
Sunday, December 12, 2010


That's really what blogs are about, when it comes down to it. I mean, you write something you hope is interesting, and stick it somewhere that maybe some of the people you care about will read it. If it's just about letting your loved ones keep tabs on your life, I suppose that's a little different, but I feel like most people are rather fond of pontificating along with the whole, here is picture of me!! business. You know, airing their opinions about Life, the Universe and Everything (the answer to which, by the way, is 42), or random abstract concepts, like ....Self-Absorption, say.

So, being a rather self-absorbed person (like most people on our little planet, I think) and being in the process of preparing to depart from Here (Minnesota) to There (Scotland! Edinburgh! The University of, to be precise) I thought I would start this lovely little blog. Likely it shall end in a great deal of silliness or a great deal of nothing, depending on my dedication to this whole blogging business, but I do promise pictures and anecdotes and the occasional salutation. Writing keeps me sane, and hopefully I can share a little bit of my life and sanity with you in the process.

Some images of where I am going to be next semester...

I am going to be living in the city, likely in a dorm that greatly resembles these town houses... And yes, I am absurdly excited. More to come later!

ps. Gold stars to whoever gets the title reference. :) I am a little in love...

1 comment:

  1. woohoo!! getting suppperr exciittteeeddd for youu!! :):D the pictures look gorgeous. i'll be expecting authentic jane shots (ehhem with them european boys) verryy soonn :)

    to ur question on chelsea's wall, YES!! we must get together in europe! i'm in the morocco/europe area til july 17th.. and my program ends may 15ish. when are you around till? ur travel plans are.. ? i'm on a low budget and i'll see what i'll end up doing by the time the program ends (get an internship, sing and beg my way around the continent, become incontinent.. or marry a muslim boy and live in morocco for two years. bhaha!! that sorta thing :p), let's keep in touch!

    GGOOODDDLLUUCCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3
    i'm squeezing you really hard (aka, air hug: you must hug yourself)
