
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to Basics

Looking over my shoulder, metaphorically, is something that I tend to avoid doing. When I am in a new place, having exciting novel experiences and growing and changing as I do, I hate the feeling that I am hampered by strings and commitments that tie me too tightly to who I was and get in the way of who I am becoming. I have in the past let go of some wonderful parts of my life for this same reason, and it was incredibly difficult, but not a decision I regret. It's hard to jump feet first into things when you are constantly holding onto what used to be, and jumping is what I do best.

That being said, sometimes familiar and comforting, when in a new situation/location, is absolutely wonderful. We had a bit of a Mac reunion spontaneously last night, with four of us Macalester Edinburghians, (not sure that is a word... spell check thinks not, alas) and two friends visiting from London and Berlin respectively. We had drinks, raucous chatter, and general good times before going out to the club around the corner. Some ID mix-ups ensued, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway. It was at once strange and good to be around people whom I have only ever experienced in the wonderful world of Mac, and this time to have them sitting around the table of my flat in Scotland, talking about accents, cultural differences, and attractive men (here and in MN), much to Dan Allen's chagrin (sorry Dan). Few of us were very close friends prior to this semester, and it is exceedingly odd to think of how different things will be for us when we head back to the states, back into our old way of going through life, back into the groves we have worn for ourselves in the Macalester community. Not sure how I feel about the thought, honestly.

Oh dear, we DID have a bit to drink, didn't we... Hah.

Look at Dan, hiding. As usual. :)

Hahaha, Alice :D

Dan Allen's perspective on life: everyone is beneath him!


Today, in a fit of boredom (which leads to excursions) combined with laziness (which prevents said excursions from involving running or sweating) I took a walk a little further back even than Macalester (because really, Mac isn't even the past, it is just on hold for now) and went to find the Edinburgh Rudolph Steiner School. Twelve years of Waldorf education is apparently not enough for me, considering my summer jobs for the last eight years have involved running after kindergarteners clad in tie-die through gardens and pink-curtained classrooms, and I am not over it yet. I was worried that I wouldn't recognized the building, and considering the fact that I struggle to find street signs here, much less address numbers, this was of some concern; I shouldn't have worried. The helpful blue signs were nice, but pretty much unnecessary once I had spotted the art in the windows, and the (pink) silk curtains. A slightly confused woman with a thick Scottish accent asked how she could help me, and 15 minutes later I had been introduced to a few different staff members, been give three various phone numbers and provided with the dates for assemblies and plays, and been asked whether or not I wanted to join the teacher training class. Not for another 20 years, I told them. They laughed.
These are class buildings...!!

Looking back across the Meadows (formerly marshly lochs, long since drained and
made into parkland on the University campus) past Uni buildings to Arthur's seat.
It looks a great deal less high, and less freezing, than it really is. 

This is where I live. Next to a building with.... a cow jumping out of it...?

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