
Monday, January 10, 2011

Dear frigid, ice-bound, arctic Minnesota...

...Thank you SO much. Had I not had the exquisite pleasure of having my hair freeze when I walked outside, or been grateful when my ears went numb from the cold (since numb means it doesn't hurt any more) or learned the hard way that at certain temperatures it is both chilly enough to make your eyes water and cold enough to freeze your tears, I might be a bit more unhappy right now. It is rather grey here in luvly Scotland, and certainly not tropical, but while I am enjoying a balmy 37 degree day, my friends seem rather put out about it. I used to be a complete wimp about the cold, but now, I feel rather hard-core. Once again, dearest, darling-est, freezing-est Minnesota, thanks a ton.

Honestly though, the weather here really isn't that bad. With a decent coat and good shoes it is not only possible to survive the trek from one class to the next (a marathon distance of a whole five minutes' walk) but positively pleasant to wander around. Of course, this might be because I am still very much in the awe-struck, wide-eyed tourist stage, trying to be subtle while I snap photos of EVERYthing and trying not to make my staring too obvious and in love with all that I see. I am still in my honeymoon with this city... Maybe I will get over it eventually, but I don't really think so.

One more thing, Minnesota? Thanks for knowing how to deal with snow. Really Scotland, it is not that hard to scrape a sidewalk or salt a driveway. I suppose the cobblestones make it a little complicated, but really. A little more effort please. At this point, I am utterly convinced that if I do not get myself killed while crossing the street because I looked the wrong way (HAS NEARLY HAPPENED MULTIPLE TIMES) then I am going to die by slipping on the untouched ice and breaking my neck. Brilliant. :D

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