
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The sea, Oh the sea...

...Is the gradh geal mo croide~
Long may it stay between England and me!
'Tis a sure guarantee that some hour we'll be free -
Thank God we're surrounded by water!
          -Irish Folk/Prostest song

(Not that the sea is between England and me... I just like the song. Also, gradh geal mo croide, which rhymes with "me," "free" and "sea," means "bright love of my heart," or so google translate tells me.)

We went to the beach! Three miles walk there, three miles walk back, chips (and curry) in between. It was chilly, but gorgeous, and we could see all the way across the Firth of Forth to the banks on the other side. Beautiful beautiful.

Yep, we went by the Palace.
Yep, it is gorgeous.

There were SWANS! A lot of them. Alas, they were
avoiding my camera rather successfully.

Oh my word, so many fowl. Of various kinds.
It was a little overwhelming.

The chapel that we looked at on our hike up to Arthur's Seat.
Also, looming in the background and not looking
nearly as high as it actually is, is Arthur's Seat itself.

OCEAN.  Huzzah! A bit chilly though.

Traffic is mad. I never know where cars are coming from... or going.
It likely has to do with the fact that I still look the wrong way when I try to cross
street, but also because the streets are narrow, and people drive FAST.
...But the sunset was lovely.
Once again, Arthur's big, tall, impressive Seat.


  1. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Test comment post for you. I'll make more serious ones later!)

  2. Wow, that chapel picture is stunning.

  3. Thank you! It does not nearly do it justice, alas.

  4. Water fowl, eh?

    "INEFFABLE, said the figure feeding the ducks."

    I'm just saying. Keep an eye out. Also, I love you. Talk soon??
