
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Here there be castles.

I have too much to say to make much sense, so I am going to pull an Emily and make a LIST.

Things that make me happy (there are a lot):
  • Getting off the plane in Heathrow and discovering that the terminal is really a mall in disguise; not only that, but there was a live band playing Cuban salsa music, and waiters with little shot-glass samples of cuban rum mixed drinks, to go with the music. So tasty :D
  • Meeting new flatmates. Not only are they nice, funny, and generally amiable people, but they also listen to fun music (yaaay Lady Gaga!) and like to party. Apparently a lot. As does most of the UK, it seems.
  • The view out my window (photos to come soon)! Snow-topped roofs and chimneys and some sort of tower-dome-thing. (I am soooo articulate.)
  • The fact that there is a CASTLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY. SO wonderful.
  • How compact Edinburgh is. In a few hours, I walked all around got damp sore feet, but saw so much!
  • Getting lost. You find the best things that way (like a farmer's market, woooo!).
  • 50p coins, and pound coins.
  • The fact that despite all the complaints I have been hearing about the cold, it is still 25 degrees warmer here than it is in Minnesota.
  • My bed! Not as soft as the one I left in St. Paul, but still very cozy. It made getting over jet lag much easier.
  • Neck pillows. Lovelovelove.
  • "The Best Hot Chocolate in the World!" Sold in a tiny little cafe, and topped with not only whipped cream and multicolored marshmallows, but also caramel, sprinkles, wafers of chocolate, and caramel-coated kettle-corn. Having not tried all the hot chocolates in the world I can't claim it's the best, but it was pretty darn good. Nearly passed out from the sugar though...
  • Did I mention the accents?
  • Overhearing conversations. I was standing in line for the bank and two University-aged boys walked in. They both had rather nice accenst; British though, not Scottish, alas.
              Taller Boy: "So... who'd you kiss last night?"
              Spiky Hair: "Well... lots of people." (laughs)
              Taller Boy: "Sure. But which BOY did you kiss?"
              Spiky Hair: "Wha... Boy... er." (shifts uncomfortably)
              Taller Boy: (to me) "He kissed a BOY last night."
              Spiky Hair: (conspiratorially) "I was REALLY drunk."
              Taller Boy: "And you were ragging on me for doing the same thing last month!"
              Hah. :D
  • Inheriting things from the pervious residents of my room. Hangers, mirror, extra pillows,...
  • Recognizing other new international students by their bags of necessities and their lost expressions. I have already met five or six people from the states... haha
  • Urban buildings, with stores downstairs and flats on top. Especially when they are built of stone! It seems like all of Edinburgh is!
  • The accents. Once again. So much love.
  • University of Edinburgh welcome activities. They have a University sponsored pub crawl/walking tour of the city, to show us the sights and - most importantly - the bars. I am excited.
I am in love, my friends.
 This is the view out my window! lovely lovely

 The Royal Mile

 Waverly station, I think

 The castle, of course. Huzzah!

 Sun through stained glass

 The farmer's market I stumbled upon! 

Our Mascot, as he should look! I think we should get rid of silly looking Mac the Scottie and have this guy at our soccer games instead.

"The Best Hot Chocolate in the World!"


  1. It makes me enormously happy that you referred to making a list as "pulling an Emily" :D But more importantly, I love you heaps and I wish I were there!! (I can study abroad twice, right? ...right???) It looks completely gorgeous and I know you will have an amazing time. Now pardon me while I check ticket prices from St. Paul to Edingburgh. :P

  2. I LOVE YOU. Be online someday, okay? We needs to chat, my precious. :D
